02 03 Flexible Opportunities in a Digital Future: Oxfam 100km - Melbourne 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Oxfam 100km - Melbourne

Just completed the gruelling 100km Oxfam event over the weekend. We walked for 38 hours including a five-hour sleep break.

Jenni Munday, Emma Kearney, Mike Keppell, Koren Mitchell beginning the Oxfam 100km  Event
The first day took us through the highest part of the course after the 1000 steps.
Day 1 - Oxfam Course showing elevation gain
The second day after a five-hour rest/sleep proved to be a punishing day on our feet and the last two sections included some difficult hills.
Day 2 - Oxfam Course

The finish line shows the weary finishers. Now the recovery begins!


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